Shyogwe Station

Location:  Muhanga district, Southern province
Built: 2016
Manager: Innocent Kubwimana 
Processing Method: Wet processing, dried on elevated African drying tables  
Altitude: 1775m

Shyogwe Washing Station location is the real meaning of the nickname of our country. “the country of a thousand hills”. It is located right in the center of the central plateau. So many hills that surround Shyogwe are familiar with you if you read much about Rwandan history. Few of them are Kabgayi, Mbare, Rucuncu, Byimana, and Shyogwe itself.


The Shyogwe area is not new in the Rwandan coffee industry but it was very well known in semi-washed coffee for a long time. IMPEXCOR coffee as a leader in specialty transformation, It was our responsibility to lead this area and show them how important it was to shift the coffee process. It was an easy switch because even results speak for themselves. Since we started in 2015 the production has increased, and almost doubled in the quantity of cherries by the tree.